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La Bastide de Saint-Tropez

The magic of Christmas in Saint-Tropez

Categories : Saint-Tropez, published on : 11/27/16

Deckchairs and bath towels have been carefully folded and tidied away until next spring, and it’s time for the pleasures of winter! For although Saint-Tropez is most widely famed for offering a foretaste of paradise during the summer, this  prestigious resort is certainly not left behind when it comes to celebrating the Christmas holidays. Illuminations, garlands shining with a thousand lights, Nativity scenes and gourmet markets, all the ingredients are in place for a festive season as warm as it is convivial. And to make the end of the year even more joyous, the Bastide Saint-Tropez has created for you some wonderful special offers to mark the occasion.

The Christmas illuminations of Saint-Tropez 

From December 2nd, let there be light! The town dons her festive finery to commemorate the Yuletide celebrations. Spectacular majestic trees illuminated with garlands, streets and squares sprinkled with snow, shop display windows ablaze with gold and silver; this year Saint-Tropez will look lovelier than ever. The irresistible outdoor ice skating rink welcomes young and old alike on the Place des Lices. Strap on your skates to glide, swirl, and twirl with your family, among friends, or with your special one under the beautiful afternoon sun of the French Riviera, or perhaps beneath a starry vault of cloudless sky. Let yourself be tempted by a jam waffle, a honey crêpe, a rich hot chocolate, a spicy cinnamon and orange mulled wine concocted in one of the small wooden chalets from which irresistible fragrances escape. You can gaze in hushed wonder at heart-warming traditional Nativity scenes. The miller, the shepherd, the fisherman, the wise men, the washerwoman, all throng from the river, the grove of olive trees, the hill by the stable in which, warmed by the breath of the cattle and the donkey, and attended by Joseph, Mary will give birth to the child Jesus. And before the big day, don’t miss the opportunity to welcome Santa Clauss, who will arrive on the 24th at the Quai de Suffren.

The Mysteries of the 21st Century

No, it’s not the title of detective novel but a happening of great importance, as interesting as it is necessary. On November 25th, 26th and 27th in Saint-Tropez you can attend the 16th edition of a scientific symposium that raises the pertinent question "What will be the energies of tomorrow”? On the programme are screenings, conferences, round tables and debates led by scientists, historians and economists, who will present an overview of the current situation and invite us to reflect on nuclear energy, renewable energies and the energy transition. We will discover the fascinating history of man in his quest for energy, from the discovery of fire through the use of wind, water and steam; debate global warming and the storage of waste, financing for research into new energies and our willingness to consume fewer natural resources.

Our exceptional offers

In addition to our ‘food and champagne’ dinners, which will delight gourmets - especially if they are fond of oysters, roasted Saint-Pierre, Bollinger and Moet brut rosé - we are pleased to present our special Christmas offers. A night or two in a Deluxe double room with a welcome box for Madame and Monsieur, New Year's Eve dinner and breakfast. Our spa is at your disposal for a moment of pure relaxation in a space where the serenity complements the beauty, and so are our gardens, where the palms and umbrella pines are a constant reminder, even in the middle of winter, of the sweetness of Provençal life. Enjoy a few exceptional days to savour, away from the quotidian, in a setting where luxury, calm and relaxation slip from a poem into reality.

La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez