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Retropézien and Bella Strada; beautiful old vehicles in the spotlight

Categories : Hotel, published on : 3/9/18

Although best known as a resort where art and sailing are most often at the forefront, Saint-Tropez also regularly resounds to the roar of powerful engines. The horsepower in question belongs to the cream of two- or four-wheeled classic machines. In Saint-Tropez, spring is the time for Rétropézien and Bella Strada, celebrations of the vehicles of yesteryear. Glamour, design and recalcitrant timing belts await you in the enchanting setting of this famous Provençal town.


The motorcycles of Rétropézien

Opening the mechanical festivities, Rétropézien will be held on the weekend of March 24th and 25th, 2018. Proud owners of motorcycles dating from before 1960 gather on the famous Place des Lices before embarking on a great ride into the hinterland. There’s no race or winner; this is all about the pleasure of being together and sharing an interest! The love of these beautiful vintage machines brings together riders, collectors, enthusiasts and the curious. Come along and join in with this passionate and convivial crowd.


Motorcycles and good food

Rétropézien always opens on Saturday morning with a stroll around the traditional market. This provides an ideal opportunity to discover the produce of the region and admire the local fishermen’s catches before the bikes set off to explore the hills behind the town, rich in colours and scents beneath the spring sun. On Sundays, everyone gets together for mechoui, sardines and other tasty barbecue delights, as well as various activities, before attending the awards ceremony. No winners or losers, just enthusiasts sharing their joy in beautiful machines that roar proudly through the years. If you like the flavours of Provençal cuisine and the scents of hot oil and carburettors, Rétropézien is made for you ...


Glamour and convertibles at Bella Strada

Dolce Vita and beautiful cars will be the focus of Bella Strada on April 13th, 14th and 15th, 2018. The aim of this spring weekend is to celebrate the cars that enchanted the carefree and elegant years of the middle of the last century. Only 40 prestigious vehicles will be chosen by the Selection Committee to form the procession that will start on the roads of the Var and for the traditional Sunday afternoon parade in the resort. These automotive wonders are models that were released from the factory between 1930 and 1965, or before 1970 for those with more than 6 cylinders. Their sleek silhouettes, captured by cinema and photography, are indelibly linked to the history and image of Saint-Tropez!


Bella Strada à la provençale

As always with the events presented in Saint-Tropez, conviviality and sharing will be at the heart of Bella Strada. In addition to exhibitions of cars, parades, shared dinners and breakfasts, boules matches will be held at the Place des Lices, a favourite location for Saint-Tropez petanque enthusiasts. A farewell party will mark the end of the festivities. A wealth of opportunities to interact with ladies and gentlemen drivers and to admire these machines that symbolise all the know-how and elegance of a bygone era. Of course, your old or new vehicle will be more than welcome in the car park of the Bastide de Saint-Tropez.


Saint-Tropez invites lovers of beautiful old cars and motorcycles to enjoy these exceptional spring events. Our teams at the Bastide de Saint-Tropez are happy to help you make the most of your stay during these events and suggest you combine the joyous excitement of these festivities with the peace and tranquillity of the hotel’s garden and pool ...

La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez
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Photo credit: @marcdedelley