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La Bastide de Saint-Tropez

Autumn is a colourful season in Saint-Tropez

Categories : Hotel, published on : 10/24/16

A bargain hunter’s dream event takes place in Saint-Tropez each year at the end of October. La Grande Braderie invades the streets from October 28th to 31st as the shops of the town move their stock into the street to be sold off at greatly reduced prices. Then, from November 10th to 13th the attention of sailing enthusiasts will be riveted on the competition for the Madraco Cup, a prestigious and challenging event. And as we are talking about special treats, don’t forget the Bistr'O of the Bastide Saint-Tropez, where the seasonal menu is adorned with the colours and flavours of autumn!


The Madraco Cup regatta is a dream for sailing fans

In 1997, the first sailboats swooped past the port of Saint-Tropez for a run then known by the pretty name of ‘Autumn Sails’. Today the Madraco Cup is a regatta that has lost none of its superb standard of spectacle and outstanding competitiveness and it is with emotion that we admire the sixty craft as they glide elegantly out of the harbour before cutting through the turquoise waters of the Gulf. The courses are difficult, involving delicate manoeuvers and only the most skilful sailors and accomplished tacticians manage to win. Especially if the autumn wind is being a tease. In the evening, the day’s performances are celebrated around a glass and a convivial meal and laughter breaks up the earnest discussions of the day’s action.  Meanwhile the boats bob at rest, offering passers-by an enchanting image of the port lulled by the gentle lapping of water against hulls.


Grande Braderie in St. Tropez!

The legendary Saint-Tropez clearance sale is coming up fast. Shopaholics already have their eyes on the retail prize, while bargain hunters are ready for action. Everyone becomes enchanted by the heady atmosphere of the Grande Braderie of Saint-Tropez, which this year will be held from October 28th to 31st. In the morning, tables, trestles, and clothing racks fill the pavements of the town’s charming little streets. Clothing, handbags, books, toys, furniture and more are offered at unbeatable prices. Here’s a gorgeous designer dress that would go so well with ... this darling handbag that was, luckily, right here on the neighbouring stall! As for those shoes with the vertiginous heels spotted very early on ... well, let’s hope they are still there! Don’t worry, though, the crowd is great and the atmosphere cheerful and friendly. It might be business, but it’s convivial business! Whether you are an inveterate bargain hunter or a casual browser, it’s likely you’ll end up on a sun-kissed terrace somewhere, sipping coffee with your bags by your side, bulging with your treasures, from a colourful wooden handicraft toy to a silk scarf that’s simply to die for, alongside an ornament that will look perfect on your mantelpiece and a novel to enjoy by the pool.


Come taste our new autumn menu!

The Bistr'O of the Bastide Saint-Tropez is pleased to offer its new menu. Our chef always favours seasonal ingredients, so the flavours of autumn are naturally honoured. House boar terrine with sautéed wild mushrooms opens the feast, which can continue with a Simmental steak, parsley potatoes or fillet of sea bass with new potatoes. For dessert, an homage to seasonal fruit with caramelised apple Tatin or poached Williams pears with chocolate sauce and toasted almonds. If you prefer the chocolate sauce or our specialty of Paris-Saint Tropez choux (the irresistible candied lemon cream), we will be happy to satisfy your appetite! It’s a divinely tempting menu that combines gastronomy with simplicity and elegance!

La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez